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<root>­/­mirrors­/­amigascne­/­Scrollers­/­T-Groupstext­/­The Electronic Knights/TEK-ThisSideUp!.txt

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 present               this    side up;  cut that  crap now           yeeaahh!
I am Captain Bifat....    and i come from far across the sea....       and I bring
you your fish....        get pissed sucker!         party till you puke!     we are
cool and you suck!     yes, we are so cool, aren't we...     yeah, that's
for sure...      -for people who do not understand english so well...
to get pissed means to get drunk completely and we're completely
pissed-      why are those tek guys always talking of boozing??     hard
to say...    it is as it is.      -five two letter words in a row, aren't
we cool?-       fish everyday i hate it let's start a munity against
that captain bifat      he should have stayed in the booby hatch...       i
-banana- just want to point out that this music is not the style i
normally like and compose so do not mind if it goes onto your nerves,
i went on mine too...       by the way, banana is sponsored by chiquita
inc., l.a.  to be precise and they want me to state out that real
bananas never go out without their sticker on their chest.        i hate it
though, but business is business and money is money...      you can't
eat both, but who cares....     i have been talking so much shit up to
now and if you are still reading, i will tell you a secret...  it's how
to have success with girls.      and i know what i'm talking about, i mean
real success.     i mean girls meouing in your bed, still wanting to be
with you after you have betrayed them for several times    intrested?          
well it is so easy...           i will tell you my secret of success!
exclusively on this demo...           you have to loook very good, you have to
be very smart and you have to have a lot of money!        easy, isn't it?        
that's my secret and it allways works out.         you have to be a cool guy,
but that's not so important anyway, 'coz there are too many cool guys
out there...        still, money is the most important thing, as i said, it
is so easy...       Anyway i -MAC- think that a long hard dick is also
quite impressing to fine holes!       and i -banana- have to ad, that i
think that not too many of you pimple-sqeezing-gays in front of your
monitors have hardly ever seen any nude girls exept strip poker
pixeled samanta foxes and hardly have any hard dicks, but keep working
on them and do not mind if there's any hair growing in your abdomenal
area.      we are so cool, aren't we?     just kidding, i mean, i am sure
that you have all seen pictures of humans with hair between their
legs, some even have them under their arms, in their nose or even
around thier asshole.        don't shave there, skin's quite sensitive there
-becomes red everytime we do it...-        hey all you finns are you
still reading?       i bet you have nothing better to do, do you?        
masturbating while reading tek scrollers is heaven seventeen for you.     
put some fun between your legs, ride a motor bike!      too fast to
live...     wait for tek's masturbating manual ...   -also for lefthanded...-          i
know that we are talking quite a lot of shit, but we are so bored with
all that kiddy technical too normal scrolls...        if you want to read
real hateful scrollers then wait for our    ...and you suck demo    which
will contain a scroller after which you will have to sash your eyes
out, because i'm so stuffed with all you kids that i could puke
everytime i see rotating faces on my screen...      have you ever seen
those videos where men were fucking chicken and women were giving
horses a blow job?      they are very funny...  indeed    -mac says rip
the cunt-    how can anybody be so stupid to fuck a chicken?     fucking
pigsö is much more fun, we think.        chicken extinquish too fast.      i like
the sound a them,  so i fuck a pig while listening to chicken tapes.      
that's the real kick.         how can anybody be so stupid to take a horse's
dick into their mouth?          you can as well eat a raw goldfish...        
indeed, i like dolphins better...         if you think that this scroller
is perverted and we have to tell you that this is only a preview for
our ...and you suck demo that will contain real hard texts...        we
are so dumb that the suck our thumb...       stupid rhyme, stupid
rhyme...       some other people even like those faces of death films where
there are authentical scenes of dying people are shown...      how
stupid can you get?        watching people dying and laughing about it??     i
think that real pro special effects are much nicer and even have a
better quality...       it's so hard...      hundred ways to die but only
three ways to get screwed !         now, there will be a joke told by mac
the ultimate joke teller...      now turning into fast text mode !       
Yep this is true history, man.     Ok lets begin.      Once upon a
time there were two handsome guys walking down a street in case of
searching for some wet holes.     suddenly a huge bitch turning to
them telling them she was a wiz in giving them a fantastic blow job.    
  So the guys let her begin her fine work.    Anyway the huge bitch
opend the zipper of the first guy, taking out his prick and began to
blow on his dick.     The second one looking kind of weird turning to
the first one with a smile on his face.     then after some time
the first handsome guy incidentally turns to the bitch announcing that his
 dick has been coolen enuff so that she could begin her blow job!!         
Aren't we cool ?      weeee are!        Ok boys and here is another
one to blow your not dicks .... your brains ofcourse!      
jokes time?    all right, this one wasn't too good, but prepare for the
next ...         some biological scientists met at a congress where they
discussed the problem of animal crossing between sheep and elephants. 
the first group of  scientists said that their experiment
was quite successful, but only with one handicap...     when the elephant
ejaculated into the sheep, the sheep  was blown away.      the other group said
that they had the same problem, but that they solved it by putting a
cage around the sheep, but they have another problem now...     after the
elephants orgasm, after his withdrawal, the sheep is always turned
inside out...           so funny, wonderfull, we can't keep from
laughing...        i bet you don't understand this, shithead...     do you?     well
as long as you understand shithead, it's alright!   shithead...         have
you heard about the young couple?        she was giving him a blow job for
the first time.       so she wanted to make it as good as she could.      she
sucked her mind out of her head.       he was moaning as hell, but after a
while he said 'stop for a while honey, i have to tear that fucking
sheet out of my asshole!'...          we are so funny and we are so
cool, you can't belive it, can you??       It seems as we really gonna
get pissed now.      Has anyone any new weird ideas?     Status:    10
bottles   ... ok bifat, 11 bottles empty    ..... okdido here's captain bifat
typing....  but i don't know what to
write.... so listen to mac and banana for a while...    i
will write some stuff later....   ok you cool mutherfucker -i hate
rap!-     2 bootles half dead and still 7 to go !     hey banana write
me a postcard when you have visited Paris ,ok?     too expensive!..     
allright, i think that all you guys that are still reading want to read
some real perverted stories, don't you?... all right...      while i was in
the army i got to know a guy who was real strange...      he told about
fucking bitches for half the price, 'cause they were menstruating...      
he said that he would lick their cunts and that he would love the
brown sauce very much...    imagine this...    do you really want to go on
reading perverted texts?       another boy liked puking...       he drank four
beers in a quarter of an hour and then spat all the foam out of his
mouth into his opponents face...       he really enjoyed it.      it was fun to
watch, but shit to be puked on...     yeah that's life in the army...      
drinking, puking, masturbating, menstruating...          credits for
the demo must go to...        iraner for he did most of the work, but
the fewest scrolltext editing -he did all the coding actually-,    bifat
for the graphics of this demo and for banana for the music, which he
really does not like...      but iraner does and so banana composed it
for him....     really weird scroller by banana mac and bifat of tek,
we are so coool, aren't we?.. .. . .   .   . . ..  dot the pot!
shit....    slish slash slot..    ok didn't Bifat wanted to say
something?         argllll... gulp.... burp..... "Walmna eicn ehzdbbqu upn?   
jhgduh agkneh?!   blu djru k szebbxuj! "        Nothing more to say
yet, Bifat?          Ok it's wraptime over hia!         Text will
rebitch again -in case you are still watching this shit!-      
.... . . .    .   You are still watching?     You must be mad
actually.  So we gonna sign off now!  released in september 1991  ....
Bye from IARNER, MAC, BANANA and CAPTAIN BIFAT of The Electronic
Knights !            .....wrap.....  .  .  . ... ..  ....

}         the electronic knights
}    are proud to present their second
}            release in 1991
}                credits:
}           coding  -  iraner
}           grafix  -  captain bifat
}            music  -  banana
}       released in september 1991

}         now for some greetings
}         from tek headquarters
} iraner: first of all i must say some
}         hellos to ramsau, then some
}         fucking greets to fist and
}         tmo of the amiga circle.
}         also sending some hellos to
}         iranian freaks in the scene
}         (hey man why don't you
}         contact me, i am happy about
}         some persian words!!)
}         okay i think all is done!
}         coder contacts are toujours
}         welcome! (but please no lamers)
} captain     at first, a very big hello
} bifat:      to onkel klaus!
}             hi to ramsau... i wish
}             you good luck at the ami
}             expo! we'll meet in
}             either your new villa or
}             in prison... don't forget
}             to code something when
}             you're studying! see ya...
}             some very special xtra
}             greets go to our danish
}             members and to antichrist
}             and belsebub. carry on
}             with that cool bbs!
} banana:     here comes my message
}             the message is love...
}             peace to all of you...
}             i hope that you all read
}             the scroller carefully,
}             because it is worth it.
}             by the way, i am the one
}             who wrote the music...
}             i do not like it too
}             much, but who cares..
}     forget about that peace shit !!
}mac:  first of all i'd like to send out
}      a big hello to my girl friend -
}      thank ya for mental and
}      sexual support !!!     i like it!
}     it seems as if we are in a kind of
}     a hurry, so you will see our
}     member- and greetings list after
}     this crap.
}     at least some specials to our
}     division in denmark. continue your
}     good work for the cru!
}     let's blast this shit away now !!!
}    the electronic knights memberlist
}       headquarters germany (west)
}            iraner    coding
}            banana    music, graphics
}               mac    trading
}             bifat    graphics, coding
}            division denmark
}             whee!    coding
}               mml    music
}              dino    trading, graphics
}            menace    coding
}            trance    music
}               jtf    graphics
}            division belgium
}        antichrist    trading
}                 contact
}        the electronic knights whq
}        for always hottest trading
}              p.o. box  1402
}              6470 buedingen
}               west germany
}        call the skillion-tek bbs
}         the seven gates of hell
}              +32 1135 7745